Thursday, May 13, 2010

Miss you...

Another one of those days where you come home from work and a 5 hour rehearsal right after. So damn exhausted and already sore but still manage to work on an anniversary gift you have been working on for the past month. Your lover is out late at the bar, but you still wait for her to come home like you always do. Doesn't matter how late or how tired you are- you just can't seem to sleep until you've had your talk at the end of the night. So you wait by the phone for a text or call. When she finally does call you can tell she's been smoking and is about to green out. So you just do what a good girlfriend does. Tell her to go to bed because you can tell she just wants to sleep. And then that leaves you. Tired but so awake wishing that you could just talk to someone about your day.

Ahh, I wish I didn't miss you so much B.

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