Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stay Hungry, Stay Humble.

I thought when we all agreed to do worlds we decided on 100% commitment. I'm not sure what 100% commitment means to everyone else but to me it means practicing as much as we can AS A CREW before prelims, working hard during practices even when yoshi isn't there, and coming together as crew because we truly are HUNGRY to make it. I guess some people just don't understand the concept of working hard because they get everything handed to them. All of us have other commitments and we are sacrificing so much just so we can have that 2minute window of opportunity to show that we deserve to go. But when a crew member misses practice to catch up on homework? I'm sorry but that's complete bullshit. Yeah, you could say it's just a practice without Yoshi, but I STILL WENT to a rehearsal without Yoshi even when I had a FINAL THE NEXT DAY. I had to pull an all nighter AND there was practice again the next day after I had WORK. Speaking of work I'm taking hours off work just to make it to practice. You probably don't understand the fact that I pretty much have to pay for everything on my own but that's probably why you don't understand the meaning of working hard.
You say you are hungry, you say you want it so bad, but in reality your actions don't reflect what is coming out of your mouth. You said you had to balance gr.12 with's not that hard. Hannah and Shannon are doing it AND they have jobs. I don't see why Matt J and Patrick aren't having problems but you are. I know you're parents want you to keep up a certain GPA, but in highschool I had to get Straight A's otherwise I couldn't dance, on top of that I had a job and three other crews. WE ARE ALL WANTING THIS SO BADLY and it just sucks when one person says they want it but doesn't show it. It kinda drags the groups morale down. You are so damn talented and if you just worked harder, you would have it made. But I guess you need to learn that for yourself. We're not going to make you come to practice or make it akward when you do. But just know that everyone in the crew is counting on you to be there and be committed just like everyone else. Because it's just not fair for a person to just show up when it's convenient while the rest of us are sacrifice so much.

We can't win if we're not on the same page. We are a crew, our moves, energy level, and confidence have to match just as much as our commitment, goals, and desire to win as well.

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